This will stimulate your brain's visualization powers and keep your mind active, while allowing you to interact with the different worlds and themes that accompany each book.
Our brains need rest for peak performance, so don't miss those hours of sleep!
Breakfast is vital to boosting your performance throughout the day, and a generally varied and healthy diet can make all the difference in the world.
Read a new book every day. This will stimulate your brain's visualization powers and keep your mind active, while allowing you to interact with the different worlds and themes that accompany each book. Public libraries can be a great resource for convenience and often for a wider selection of titles.
Meditation. It doesn't have to be in a religious or mystical sense, just try to take some time to be alone with yourself and slowly let your thoughts go away. In today's busy society, we don't often experience this kind of inner silence sleep well. Our brains need rest for peak performance, so don't miss those hours of sleep!
Exercise and spend some time outside. Physical exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain, both of which are essential components for its proper functioning.
YOU MAY LIKE THIS : Exercise Your Way To Stress Reduction
Keep a well rounded diet. Breakfast is vital to boosting your performance throughout the day, and a generally varied and healthy diet can make all the difference in the world.
Think positive thoughts, and feel alive and happy by focusing your mind on the things that make you feel good about yourself. This will help you avoid negative cycles (which can also lead to depression) and will greatly increase your focus and general performance. Bottom Line, Keep Yourself Motivated.
Never stop learning. Our world is a wonderful place full of new things to discover and learn, and your brain is literally waiting to activate your neurons with new ideas and concepts. Experience new things whenever possible and always be eager to understand new things.
Avoid excessive alcohol. Everyone knows about its effects on our cognitive abilities, and it acts as a depressant that slows down our mental activity and even interferes with our normal activity and rest cycles.
Be sexually active! Studies have shown that hormone levels produced by frequent sexual activity (especially in women) are associated with higher mental performance.
Make small changes to your daily routine so that your brain has to think a little more about what you're actually doing, instead of running in the default mode. Small things like taking a different route while commuting can prove to be very stimulating.
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Go back to your memories. Looking at old photos or other media you have, let your brain dig into its memories and take you back in time. This is a great mental exercise because it allows you to access the parts of your mind that are not often touched.
Enjoy good music and art, and learn to do it yourself, if possible. For example, playing an instrument is an incredibly powerful workout for your brain, as music is a global process that engages all parts of the brain as a whole.
Learn new words and new languages too. You don't need to be proficient, but introducing your mind to a few new words a day will expand your mental horizons and keep your neurons doing something new all the time.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself somewhere else. Visualization is a sharp mental ability that can be greatly developed through consistent practice and will greatly improve your abstract thought process.
Our world is a wonderful place full of new things to discover and learn, and your brain is literally waiting to activate your neurons with new ideas and concepts. Learn new words and new languages too. You dont need to be proficient, but introducing your mind to a few new words a day will expand your mental horizons and keep your neurons doing something new all the time.
ALSO READ MORE : How to exercise your brain for better performance
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